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Morning Exercise Clubs

Please scan the QR Code to register.

Morning Movers Club starts Tuesday August 27th and Fun Fitness club starts Thursday August 29th for any students interested in grades K – 5. In Fun Fitness, we will do both workouts and fitness/PE games. Everything we do in the class is designed for all ages to do together. Morning Movers is a walking/running club. We will walk or run on the path around the playground outside unless the weather is bad. When the weather is bad, we will walk/run in the gym. 

If you would like more information please click on Morning Exercise Club.


Nitro Ball

Introducing a new and different way to play volleyball called Nitro Ball. Nitro Ball is a combination of volleyball and tennis, but with no rackets. The nets are low like they are in tennis. The ball is hit in a downward direction and must hit the ground first before each hit. All other rules are similar to volleyball rules. I will be offering this new and exciting game to all students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.

For more information please click on Nitro Ball.

Please scan the QR code to register. 

Please scan QR code to register.