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At Hunters Glen Elementary, we follow the Colorado Academic Standards for all subjects.  You can view the Colorado Academic Standards by visiting the Colorado Department of Education website or by clicking here.  We use only district approved curriculum to teach our students.  Additional district curriculum information can be found on our district website.


Hunters Glen Elementary and Adams 12 Schools uses Everyday Math 4 for students in grades K-5.  Developed by The University of Chicago, School Mathematics Project, the Everyday Mathematics spiral curriculum continually reinforces abstract math concepts through concrete real-world applications.  A link to the EDM4 website for more information can be found here.

English Language Arts (Reading and Writing)

Hunters Glen Elementary and Adams 12 schools uses a structured literacy block in which students receive both whole group and small group instruction in reading.  Our core reading and writing resources is Benchmark Advance, a state approved curriculum.   

Additionally, Hunters Glen teachers in Grades K-2, teach daily, explicit Phonological Awareness through the researched based Heggerity Program.

Hunters Glen Elementary ensures all teachers are continually updated on the latest and best practices.  This is most commonly done through Staff Work Days once a month that provide staff up to date training on curriculum, methods, and practices.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL is very important to Hunters Glen as research supports that students who are regulated, feel safe and welcome in school learn better.  At Hunters Glen, we use the District Approved Curriculum called Second Step for Grades Kindergarten - 4th Grade.  Starting around the second semester of 4th grade and in all of 5th Grade, we use the Owning Up Curriculum, which is also district approved.